Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Game, Play and Simulation

The word play can mean different things. I think the word play means to interact with someone or something for a purpose. I believe that purpose can be to learn or have fun. I think the definition of game is similar to play. I think a game is an object which allows you interact or play with other people . When I think of the word play I usually think of people running around joyfully, but when I hear game I think of sports or kid games like tag and jump rope. These two words are very similar to each other nad to simulation as well. When I hear simulation I think of video games like Pacman, Super Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog. I think a simulation is a computer generated game that you can also play and interact with. In a simulation you can also interact with other people or with the game itself. Play, simulation, and game are very similar and are closely associated with each other in many ways.

1 comment:

Dereck.Garcia said...

I agree with you when I think of the word play I think of interaction either to learn or have fun. I also think of people running and sports games when i think of play. I think of simulation as computer games. I like what you said we have the same ideas.