The Matrix film was very exciting and unique. The idea that everyday life was not the real world, but a simulation called "the Matrix", really made the story interesting. Also I think a lot of thought was put into the story and the film it self. There were a lot of little details in the film that I found interesting in the film. For example, I noticed a lot of homages to the story of Alice in Wonderland as stated by Dr. Smith. One scene the main character Neo was told to follow the "white rabbit" which was very similar because in Alice in Wonderland she followed a white rabbit into a hole. When Neo followed the rabbit this began his introduction to the real world. There were also some homages to the story of the Wizard of Oz as well. For example, the character Cypher says to Neo, "buckle up Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye". Also when Neo is trying to get out of the Matrix he refers to the Tank as Mr. Wizard. I also discovered in egyptian mythology Morpheus is the God of dreams.
The film also had many philosophical ideas which can leave the audience to question topics in real life. I questioned things such as life and really made me question reality. It also made me question if everything around me is real or the truth. Ever since I saw the film before I watched it in class I have also questioned religion and reality. I think this is a very good movie to show people to help them become more open minded to new ideas. In my opinion I feel most people are afraid of seeking another truth and this movie also showed that with the character Cypher. Cypher would have rathered that he stay in the Matrix than stay awake in reality and i think his character represent people who are afraid to face the truth. Overall the movie was excellent and the story was incredible. This movie really made me open my mind and think a lot more than usual.
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Hey Depore,I agree with you on the references to Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz. They are highly mentioned in this film along with the name Jesus. I think it serves a higher purpose and could refer to fantasy and fantasy being real. I also didnt know Morpheus meant God of Dreams in Egyptian mythology and I'm thankful for you sharing that information.
Depore i like the example of wizard of Oz. you went very detailed in explaning certain scenece that goes back to alice and wonderland. its similar also to the allegory of the cave. it looks that you understood the movie very well and it was intersting for you.
i LiKe HoW y0u UsEd SiMiLe AnD mEtApHoR iN y0u Bl0g 0n ThE mAtRiX vErY inTeResTeD i AgReE WitH y0u
Ab0uT tHe MoViE bEinG uNiQuE, i AlSo BeLiEvE iT wAs VeRy DifFeReNt AnD i EnJoYeD iT.
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